Client:  Dokis First Nation
Location: Dokis, Ontario
Size: N/A

JLR is currently working with the Dokis First Nation (DFN) for the design and contract administration for the new water treatment and supply facilities, decommissioning of the existing WTP, and construction of approximately 5 km of watermain to secure the supply of clean reliable drinking water for the community.

In 2021, JLR completed a water feasibility assessment in collaboration with DFN. JLR was retained to review the existing water treatment, storage, and distribution assets to help DFN meet future water servicing and fire protection requirements over the next 10, 20, and 50 years. The feasibility study was completed following the Government of Canada’s ISC Level of Service Standards and other applicable design guidelines. From an in-depth review of the potential options, the preferred alternative was to proceed with a new water treatment facility to keep up with 20-year population growth forecasts, along with future average day projections, maximum day projections, and peak hour water demand projections. The assessment also considered future residential, industrial, commercial, institutional fire flow, and total water storage requirements.

JLR compared several different water treatment and disinfection technologies to determine the most efficient, cost-effective, and user-friendly choice based on the needs of DFN. The recommendation was to proceed with greensand filters for iron and manganese removal, a water softening system, ultraviolet disinfection, and a sodium hypochlorite dosing system. An underground clear well will be constructed for treated water storage.