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Successful and Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Systems

The provision of communal wastewater collection and treatment, along with the protection of our waterways, groundwater resources, and natural environment, is not only an essential need but a legislated requirement for all communities throughout Canada. Industries must often construct and maintain wastewater management and treatment facilities to protect the environment and meet prescribed legislation.

The need to convey and treat a community’s wastewater requires ongoing attention by those responsible for providing this service. We firmly believe it is critical that all possible solutions be given consideration, as this infrastructure is often relied upon for many decades.

JLR designs our clients’ wastewater systems to be successful and sustainable, whether a complex mechanical treatment plant or a lagoon-based treatment system. JLR has the expertise to provide a wide range of solutions for communities and industries of varying sizes.


Reference Projects

Environmental Infrastructure

Casselman Wastewater System Upgrade

Environmental Infrastructure

Cataraqui Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant

Environmental Infrastructure

Owen Sound WWTP Upgrades and Expansion

Environmental Infrastructure

Ravensview Wastewater Treatment Facility

Environmental Infrastructure Market

Learn more about how our team of experts finds solutions for our client’s water treatment, storage, distribution, wastewater conveyance and treatment, and solid waste management needs.

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Nanticoke WTP, Cataraqui Bay WWTP, Dome water treatment facility