Client: Town of Hawkesbury
Location: Hawkesbury, Ontario
Size: N/A
JLR was retained by the Town of Hawkesbury (Town) to provide engineering and contract administration services for the design, tendering, construction, and commissioning of various upgrades at the Hawkesbury Water Treatment Plant (WTP). The proposed upgrades were intended to advance the WTP 20-year Strategic Upgrades Plan (Strategic Plan) prepared by JLR in 2018. At the onset of the project, JLR prepared an update to the Strategic Plan, which included an Energy Analysis Technical Memorandum (Energy Analysis Memo), with the goal of providing the Town with an understanding of how the Strategic Plan upgrades could impact energy consumption and to provide recommendations on energy efficient initiatives that could be incorporated at the WTP.
The Energy Analysis Memo established an energy use profile to evaluate the impact of the proposed upgrades, identified potential energy efficiency projects, identified potential renewable energy systems, provided a high-level review and prescreening of energy actions that could be implemented, and identified potential funding, financing, and shared savings programs that could be targeted by the Town to support WTP upgrades. The Energy Analysis Memo also provided recommendations on steps to assist the Town in achieving their target reduction in energy use intensity (EUI) as identified in the Town of Hawkesbury’s Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan 2019-2024 (CDMP).
The CDMP was prepared by JLR and adopted by Council in June 2019 and identified the WTP as the third largest energy account representing 15% of the Town’s total energy consumption. For the WTP specifically, the CDMP set a target to reduce the WTP’s EUI by 5% by 2024 and 7.5% by 2029 relative to the benchmark year of 2014.
From the results of the energy analysis, JLR provided recommendations to help the Town meet the CDMP and identify potential opportunities to finance their required upgrades.
Preparation of the Energy Analysis Memo was a key step for the Town in identifying major process equipment and other components that have a high energy demand, such as the WTP high lift pumps, and would help the Town determine which upgrades could be included in an energy-efficiency project and may be eligible for funding initiatives prior to implementation. The Town is better prepared to take advantage of the potential funding opportunities and better positioned to plan their approach and meet their CDMP target.