Client: Minto Communities Inc. & Mattamy Homes Ltd.
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Size: ±120 ha

JLR was retained by Minto Communities Inc. and Mattamy Homes Ltd. to complete a Master Servicing Study (MSS) for water, wastewater, and storm servicing for the Barrhaven South Urban Expansion Area (BSUEA), a ±120 ha area located in Ottawa, Ontario.

Prior to embarking on the MSS, JLR was tasked to complete an Existing Conditions Report for the study area. As part of the Hydrogeological Existing Condition Report (Paterson Group, 2017), it was determined that infiltration measures should be incorporated in the BSUEA’s storm servicing design as the subject lands contribute to significant groundwater recharge of an esker, which should be preserved under post-development conditions.

A Memorandum was then prepared for the City of Ottawa (City) and Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) that reviewed and outlined nine specific infiltration measures, ranging from reduced lot grading to infiltration galleries and bio-retention cells.

After further discussions with Operation Staff at the City, the Etobicoke Exfiltration System (EES) was recommended along local roads only as collector and arterials roads have salt impacted runoff. It was also recommended that the system be designed based on the site-specific servicing constraints where the EES could be located above or below the sanitary sewer system.

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