Client: Haldimand County
Location: Nanticoke, Ontario
Size: 13,636 m3/d

JLR was retained by Haldimand County (County) to complete design and construction contract administration of a high rate sedimentation process at the Nanticoke Water Treatment Plant (WTP) as well as sedimentation and filtration system upgrades. The design included a combined high rate sedimentation and filter facility which was designed to meet WTP performance requirements over the next 25 years and resulted in 100% redundancy in the filter basins (e.g., three basins required for current 13,636 m3/day plant rating). The construction value of the project was $8M.

Key features of the upgrades included:

  • A new WTP building with two storeys to house treatment processes and equipment as well as the laboratory and controls room.
  • New filter basins providing 100% redundancy (e.g., three basins required for current 13,636 m3/day plant rating).
  • Two new preselected proprietary high rate ballasted flocculation sedimentation treatment trains with a small footprint, each rated at 9,500 m3/day, about two thirds of the present plant capacity.
  • Cast-in-place concrete process tankage housed in a steel framed sandwich-style building.
  • Reuse of existing coagulant storage tanks, sodium hypochlorite system, and clearwell, as well as other ancillary services and components in the existing filter building.
  • Repurposing the existing flocculation tanks for filter backwash water storage and the existing clarifier for filter backwash residuals equalization.
  • Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and process controls and instrumentation automation system along with new electrical power service and emergency power generator.
  • Raw water pumping station upgrades to tie in emergency power.

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