Client: Town of Renfrew
Location: Renfrew, Ontario
Size: 18 MLD average daily flow

The Town of Renfrew’s (Town) water treatment plant (WTP) was originally constructed in the early 1950s, and expanded and upgraded in the early 1970s, the engineering for which was provided by JLR. JLR was retained in the early 2000s by the Town to undertake various detailed evaluations of the plant in consideration of new regulations and various operational constraints, and to prepare the communal water system’s first engineer’s report, spurred by recommendations from the Walkerton inquiry. Short- and long-term action plans were developed, along with capital cost planning, financing strategies, and conceptual level design.

After completing all preliminary investigations and reports, JLR was retained to prepare detailed design drawings and tender documentation for a major construction contract to upgrade the WTP. The scope of work included preliminary and detailed design services, construction contract administration, and full-time site inspection services. A Class Environmental Assessment (EA) was also undertaken, including on-site pilot testing and treatability work that confirmed selection of a preferred treatment technology.

This intricate construction project saw upgrades literally implemented over top of and around existing plant equipment and facilities while the existing systems continued to provide drinking water to the Town’s residents. New systems were tested and brought on line as they were completed, and old systems were taken off line and decommissioned. Improvements included new low and high lift pumping systems, a new two-train clarification system (Acitflo®) with provisions for a third train in the future, a new residuals treatment system, a second clear well, new standby power, all-new chemical storage/feed systems, and many building system improvements. This project provided a complete renewal of the existing plant and allowed the Town to service the community for many years to come all in compliance with updated legislation passed by the Ontario government at that time.

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