Client: Major Power Boiler OEM
Location: Essexville, Michigan, USA
Size: N/A
The Industrial team has provided general pressure part replacement design for countless applications and boiler types. A major power boiler original equipment manufacturer (OEM) construction arm retained the team to provide pressure part design for the upgrade of two circa 1960 utility boilers (520 MW total output).
The team was responsible for executing a thorough forensic analysis of existing drawings on two boilers from different original manufacturers. Work consisted of reviewing outdated and incomplete original drawing sets. Two four-day windows of opportunity to measure and inspect the boilers to obtain information missing from the original drawings was provided. Major component design upgrades were required to overcome longstanding (since 1960) deficiencies.
Ultimately, over 350 drawings were produced, including layouts, general arrangement, and detail fabrication drawings. At the conclusion of the project, the 3D model was converted into a “plant explorer” allowing the user to navigate the 3D model and access drawings and various components through hyperlinks. During all stages of the project the ever-developing 3D model was used to conduct weekly design and constructability meetings.