Client: Haldimand County
Location: Jarvis, Ontario
Size: N/A

JLR was retained by Haldimand County (County) to undertake an engineering study to update the 2010 Jarvis Master Servicing Plan (MSP). The purpose of the MSP was to update the four servicing components (water, wastewater, stormwater, and transportation) of the 2010 Jarvis MSP to reflect updated land use and growth forecasts in the study area and identify updates to existing conditions and related assumptions based on growth that has since occurred. The Master Plan, through consultation with the public and data gathered through the environmental assessments (EA), was developed as a tool to assist the County in planning for future infrastructure, community, and development needs. The MSP Update was completed with sufficient detail to fulfill the requirements for Schedule B projects.

JLR completed a background review of the existing servicing conditions in Jarvis and completed a detailed analysis of the future servicing needs required by Jarvis based on the projected residential and industrial growth projections. Using this information, JLR developed a number of servicing strategies and associated cost estimates to meet 20-year projected demands and ensure servicing meets current environmental standards.

A comprehensive report was prepared for the Master Plan that outlined the identified servicing constraints and provided a detailed review of servicing alternatives and preliminary cost estimates.

In addition to updating the MSP, JLR concurrently conducted an EA to determine the preferred alternative to increase wastewater treatment capacity for Jarvis. Four options were shortlisted for detailed evaluation. Ultimately, JLR recommended building a forcemain to connect Jarvis to the Townsend lagoons, an alternative that was low in capital costs and required minimal infrastructure upgrades due to the use of existing infrastructure.