Client: Municipality of Trent Hills
Location: Trent Hills, Ontario
Size: N/A
The Municipality of Trent Hills retained JLR in 2014 to undertake a Schedule B Class Environmental Assessment for the Campbellford Potable Water Supply and Distribution System to address short- and long-term storage needs, and to evaluate servicing solutions for the 20-year planning horizon. Various servicing alternatives were reviewed and evaluated using a hydraulic water model developed by JLR, including status quo, a new standpipe at the existing standpipe location, a new elevated tank at the existing or new location, and new clearwell storage at the Water Treatment Plant (WTP).
The preferred alternative was the construction of new below grade clearwell storage (1.8 ML) at the WTP. The proposed upgrades also involved demolition of existing pumps and the disinfection process, construction of a new pump house, new ultraviolet disinfection equipment, watermain twinning, new pressure reducing valve (PRV), and bypass line. The opinion of probable cost for the proposed works was approximately $4.3 million.