Client: Town of The Blue Mountains
Location: Town of The Blue Mountains, Ontario
Size: 7,000-person community

JLR worked with the Town of The Blue Mountains (Town) to complete a Municipal Master Plan  for the Town-wide water supply and distribution system. The municipal water supply system currently serves a year-round population of 7,000 and seasonal population of about 13,000. Planning projections indicated increased growth pressure and an estimated population of 18,900 in the longer term. The Master Plan involved gathering data, developing a WaterCAD hydraulic model, evaluating potential alternative solutions, and satisfying the requirements of the Municipal Environmental Assessment (MEA) Master Plan including the requirements of Phase 1 and Phase 2. The Master Plan was leveraged to update and extend the findings from a previous implementation plan including developing practical solutions for distribution system and pumping stations upgrades/expansions, water storage facilities upgrades/expansions, demand management optimization, and increasing supply from a nearby municipality.

Other Class Environmental Assessments & Master Plans Projects