Client: Town of Mississippi Mills
Location: Almonte, Ontario
Size: 5000-person community
JLR completed a water and wastewater infrastructure master plan for the Almonte Ward (service population of approximately 5,000 people) in 2012 and subsequently provided an update in 2019, both of which were completed in accordance with Approach 1 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) process. Several specialized studies were undertaken in support of the Master Plan including hydrogeological investigations, conditions assessments, a benchmarking survey, and a policy gap analysis. Additional tasks included preparation and validation of water and wastewater hydraulic models, capacity assessments of the water and wastewater treatment infrastructure, detailed costing reviews and an environmental impacts review, which identified areas of potential concern. As part of the Master Plan, JLR developed and implemented a Public/Agency Consultation Plan that included a comprehensive list of mandatory and other stakeholders, and methods and frequency of contact. A roadmap for future upgrades and capacity expansions within the sewage collection, pumping and treatment systems and the water supply/treatment, distribution and storage systems was developed for short-, mid- and long-term growth projections.